Month: February 2023

  • Extended essay Sailing to Success: How to Meet the IB EE Grading Criteria?

    Extended essay Sailing to Success: How to Meet the IB EE Grading Criteria?

    The IB extended essay is a challenging but rewarding task that can help students develop research and analysis skills while exploring a topic of personal interest. However, success in the extended essay depends on understanding and meeting the grading criteria outlined in the rubric. By breaking down the criteria into manageable pieces and understanding the…

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  • How Long Does it Take to Write an IB Extended Essay?

    How Long Does it Take to Write an IB Extended Essay?

    Crafting an extended essay is a daunting challenge for students in the International Baccalaureate program. The task requires significant dedication, creativity, and attention to detail. In this article, we explore the various factors that impact the time it takes to complete an extended essay, offer advice on effective time management, and provide insights on how…

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  • IB Extended Essay Word Count: How to Succeed and Exceed Expectations?

    IB Extended Essay Word Count: How to Succeed and Exceed Expectations?

    This article provides a comprehensive guide on the minimum and maximum word count for the IB Extended Essay, including the consequences of failing to meet the word count requirement. It also offers creative solutions for students struggling to fulfill the word count guidelines while adhering to the IB criteria. This article is a must-read for…

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  • Extended Essay vs. Internal Assessment. What is the difference?

    Extended Essay vs. Internal Assessment. What is the difference?

    The Extended Essay and the Internal Assessment are two important projects in the IB Diploma Program, but they differ significantly in their structure and requirements. The Extended Essay is a self-directed research project that can contribute up to three points towards your final diploma score, while the Internal Assessment is a more structured assignment completed…

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  • The Most Overused and Overdone Extended Essay Topics

    The Most Overused and Overdone Extended Essay Topics

    The Extended Essay is a crucial component of the International Baccalaureate program, providing students with the opportunity to explore a topic of their choice in depth. However, over the years, certain topics have become so popular that they have been exhausted and overdone, leading to a lack of originality and depth in students’ research. In…

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  • English A Extended Essay Topics

    English A Extended Essay Topics

     By carefully considering your interests and resources and seeking advice from your supervisor, you can choose a topic that will allow you to showcase your knowledge and skills and produce a high-quality English A Extended essay. 

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  • English B Extended Essay Topics

    English B Extended Essay Topics

    The English B Extended Essay is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their in-depth knowledge and understanding of the English language and literature. It is a required component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, providing students with the chance to explore a topic of their choice within the realm of the English language and…

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  • How to write IB Extended Essay?      Tips and Tricks

    How to write IB Extended Essay? Tips and Tricks

    The IB Extended Essay is a cornerstone of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, requiring students to complete a comprehensive research project that is a minimum of 4000 words. This essay provides students with a chance to delve into a topic that interests them and to exhibit their analytical and critical thinking skills. Through the…

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  • Law EE Topics and Tips

    Law EE Topics and Tips

    The International Baccalaureate Extended Essay in Law allows students to explore a legal topic in great depth. By demonstrating critical engagement, analysis, and a well-constructed argument, students can showcase their understanding of the chosen topic. With a broad range of options, students can opt to focus on areas such as human rights, criminal justice, international…

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