Category: IB

  • What to Do If Your Teacher Found Plagiarism in Your Extended Essay?

    What to Do If Your Teacher Found Plagiarism in Your Extended Essay?

    You’ve just received the news: there’s a hint of plagiarism in your extended essay. Your heart sinks, your mind races. As someone who’s walked the intricate paths of the International Baccalaureate (IB), I understand that this moment can feel like hitting a brick wall in your academic path. But trust me, it’s not the end…

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  • Avoiding Plagiarism in the EE. Essential Tools and Techniques

    Avoiding Plagiarism in the EE. Essential Tools and Techniques

    Avoiding plagiarism in the extended essay (EE) is a critical component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, requiring students to not only showcase their knowledge but also their integrity and originality. Plagiarism, the act of using someone else’s work without proper acknowledgment, can severely impact a student’s academic career, particularly in the context of the…

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  • What Is the Role of Originality in IB Extended Essay Success?

    What Is the Role of Originality in IB Extended Essay Success?

    In the pursuit of academic excellence within the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework, the extended essay stands as a cornerstone of student development. But what truly elevates your work from good to exceptional? The answer lies in one key element: originality.

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  • Time Management Techniques for Completing Your Extended Essay

    Time Management Techniques for Completing Your Extended Essay

    Completing an extended essay (EE) can be a daunting task, but with the right time management techniques, it can also be a rewarding path of academic research and personal growth. As a seasoned IB writer, I’ve distilled years of experience into practical strategies to help you manage the EE timeline efficiently.

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  • What Is the Role of Annotated Bibliographies in EE Writing?

    What Is the Role of Annotated Bibliographies in EE Writing?

    As someone who has traveled the tricky roads of IB writing, I can attest that annotated bibliographies play a central role in the process of writing an Extended Essay (EE). These bibliographies do more than just list sources; they serve as a crucial bridge between your research and your writing, ensuring the depth and breadth…

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  • Primary vs. Secondary Sources in Your EE Research

    Primary vs. Secondary Sources in Your EE Research

    In the field of Extended Essay (EE) research, understanding the distinction between primary and secondary sources is crucial to writing a compelling and scholarly work. As an experienced IB writer and tutor, I’ve seen how the skillful use of these sources can significantly enhance the quality of your research.

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  • EE Case Studies: What Makes a High-Scoring Extended Essay?

    EE Case Studies: What Makes a High-Scoring Extended Essay?

    In this comprehensive guide with EE case studies, we get into the intricacies of writing an exceptional IB extended essay. Drawing upon a wealth of experience, this article presents a series of case studies across various disciplines, offering valuable insights into what distinguishes a high-scoring EE.

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  • How to Create a Research Question for Your IB Extended Essay?

    How to Create a Research Question for Your IB Extended Essay?

    Creating a compelling research question for your IB Extended Essay is a crucial step that sets the tone for your entire research project. As an experienced IB mentor, I’ve seen firsthand the impact a well-formulated question can have on the success of an Extended Essay. The process involves a delicate balance between your personal interests…

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  • Choosing the Perfect Supervisor for Your Extended Essay

    Choosing the Perfect Supervisor for Your Extended Essay

    In my extensive experience as an IB writer, I’ve observed that the most successful essays often come from students who have formed a strong, collaborative relationship with their supervisors. This involves regular communication, constructive feedback, and mutual respect. A supervisor who is genuinely interested in your topic and offers consistent support can be a tremendous…

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  • What Is IB Reflective Project? An Insider’s Guide

    What Is IB Reflective Project? An Insider’s Guide

    The IB Reflective Project is a path of intellectual research and personal development. In this insider’s guide, I draw on my experience in guiding IB students through this distinctive component of the IB Career-related Program. We look at what sets the Reflective Project apart — its emphasis on ethical dilemmas, critical thinking and self-reflection. From…

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