extended essay blog

What is EE RPPF and How to Write It?

what is EE RPPF

The Extended Essay (EE) is a research paper required for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. The Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) is an important component of the EE process that helps students reflect on their research and writing progress.

The EE RPPF is crucial because it helps the student to document their reflections and progress as they work on the EE. It serves as a tool for supervisors to provide feedback and guidance throughout the research and writing process, ensuring that students are on track to complete a high-quality EE.

This article provides a brief overview of the EE RPPF, including what it is, why it is important, and how to write it effectively.

Understanding EE RPPF

Like with TOK essay PPD, RPPF stands for Reflections on Planning and Progress Form. It is a mandatory document that every EE student needs to complete during their research and writing process.

The main purpose of the EE RPPF is to encourage students to reflect on their progress, document their research and writing process, and show evidence of the development of their skills and knowledge throughout the process. The RPPF also serves as a tool for supervisors to provide feedback and support to students as they work on their EE.

The RPPF has three main sections:

  • Planning
  • Interim Reflections
  • Final Reflections

Each section is divided into subsections where the student is required to provide specific information and evidence.

The key components of the EE RPPF include:

  • Planning – this section requires students to outline their research question, provide a brief explanation of their topic, and develop a plan for their research.
  • Interim Reflections – this section requires students to document their progress in terms of research, analysis, and writing. They are also required to reflect on their progress and identify areas where they need support or guidance.
  • Final Reflections – this section requires students to reflect on their overall experience of working on the EE. They are required to evaluate their work in terms of the research question, analysis, and writing process. Additionally, they are required to reflect on their skills development and learning outcomes.

How to Write EE RPPF?

Step-by-step guide on how to write EE RPPF:

  1. Understand the purpose and structure of the RPPF.
  2. Start planning early in the process.
  3. Use the RPPF as a reflective tool throughout the research and writing process.
  4. Provide specific evidence of your progress and development.
  5. Use clear and concise language.
  6. Follow the guidelines provided by the IB.

Tips on how to write effective EE RPPF:

  1. Be honest in your reflections and provide specific examples of your progress.
  2. Use the RPPF as an opportunity to ask for feedback and guidance from your supervisor.
  3. Keep a journal or log of your progress to help you write the RPPF.
  4. Use the RPPF as an opportunity to reflect on your skills development and learning outcomes.
  5. Be organized and systematic in your reflections.

Common mistakes to avoid while writing EE RPPF:

  1. Failing to understand the purpose and structure of the RPPF.
  2. Waiting until the last minute to start planning and writing the RPPF.
  3. Failing to provide specific evidence of progress and development.
  4. Using vague or unclear language.
  5. Ignoring the guidelines provided by the IB.

Examples of EE RPPF

Sample EE RPPF

The following is an example of an EE RPPF for a hypothetical student working on an English literature essay:


  • Research question – to what extent does the portrayal of gender in Sylvia Plath’s poetry reflect the socio-cultural norms of the 1950s and 60s?
  • Topic – Sylvia Plath’s poetry and gender
  • Plan – conduct a close analysis of several of Plath’s poems, review critical sources on gender in Plath’s work, and gather historical context on the 1950s and 60s.

Interim Reflections

  • Progress – completed close analysis of three poems and gathered relevant historical context. Identified several key critical sources and began to review them.
  • Challenges – struggled with maintaining focus on the research question and avoiding tangential topics.
  • Feedback – met with supervisor to discuss progress and receive guidance on how to stay focused on the research question.

Final Reflections

  • Evaluation – overall, I feel that I successfully answered the research question and made a meaningful contribution to the field of gender studies in the literature.
  • Learning outcomes – improved my skills in literary analysis, research, and critical thinking. Gained a better understanding of the socio-cultural norms of the 1950s and 60s.

Analysis of sample EE RPPF

The sample EE RPPF demonstrates a clear understanding of the purpose and structure of the RPPF. The student provides specific evidence of their progress and challenges throughout the research and writing process. They also reflect on their learning outcomes, demonstrating a critical evaluation of their work.

Comparison of effective and ineffective EE RPPF

An effective EE RPPF provides specific evidence of progress and challenges, is reflective and honest, and shows a clear understanding of the purpose and structure of the RPPF. An ineffective EE RPPF is vague, lacks reflection, and ignores the guidelines provided by the IB. For example, an ineffective RPPF may simply list the student’s progress without providing specific evidence or reflection on their work.

Challenges of Completing the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form

Completing the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) can be challenging for students for several reasons. Like with extended essay proposal, some difficulties that students may face include not fully understanding the purpose and structure of the RPPF, struggling to provide specific evidence of progress and development, and not adhering to the guidelines provided by the IB. Additionally, students may lack confidence in their writing abilities, leading to low-quality submissions.

To overcome these difficulties, students can seek help from writing services such as ExtendedEssayWriters. Professional writing services have expert writers with a deep understanding of the IB’s requirements for the RPPF. They can provide accurate and relevant information on the topic, ensuring that the RPPF meets the expectations of the IB. Moreover, professional writers are skilled in producing high-quality academic content, free from plagiarism.

Using a writing service can also save students time and reduce stress. Students can focus on other essential aspects of the Extended Essay process, such as research and analysis, while the writing service takes care of the RPPF. Additionally, writing services can provide editing and proofreading services, ensuring that the RPPF is error-free and of high quality.

In general, seeking help from a writing service like ExtendedEssayWriters can help students produce high-quality RPPF submissions while reducing the stress associated with the process.

Need help with your EE RPPF?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the wordcount and stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for selected IB group.

Final Thoughts 

In summary, the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) is an essential part of the Extended Essay process. It is a document that students must complete to reflect on their progress, challenges, and achievements throughout the research and writing process. Writing an effective RPPF is crucial for students to demonstrate their critical thinking skills, analytical abilities, and academic progress.

Follow IB guidelines and seek help from professional writing services such as ExtendedEssayWriters to overcome the challenges of writing an RPPF. Writing services can provide expert guidance, accurate information, and high-quality writing to ensure that the RPPF meets IB expectations.

In conclusion, students should take the RPPF seriously and put in the effort to produce an effective and high-quality document. By doing so, they can demonstrate their academic abilities and improve their chances of success in the Extended Essay.

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