How to Write a Conclusion for Your IB Extended Essay? Tips and Tricks

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Hello there! As a seasoned IB writer, I can tell you that wrapping up your Extended Essay (EE) with a compelling conclusion is crucial. Not only does it leave a lasting impression, but it also encapsulates your hard work. Let’s get into the art of writing an effective extended essay conclusion.

The Role of a Conclusion in Your Extended Essay

A conclusion isn’t just a summary; it’s your final chance to make your point and show the impact of your research. It’s where your hours of investigation and analysis pay off.

A conclusion serves several vital functions. Firstly, it allows you to reinforce your thesis statement. It is crucial because, after going through the body of your essay, your reader needs to be reminded of the central theme that guided your research. It’s like coming full circle — starting with a hypothesis and ending with a confirmation of your findings.

Secondly, the conclusion lets you synthesize your thoughts. Throughout your essay, you’ve presented facts, arguments, and analyses. In the conclusion, you bring these strands together into a cohesive narrative. It’s your chance to show how each piece of evidence contributes to the bigger picture. Doing this demonstrates your ability to think critically and holistically.

Moreover, a great conclusion also provides a moment for reflection. Here, you can ponder the broader implications of your work. Ask yourself, what does your research contribute to the field? How does it expand on existing knowledge? It may open up new questions or challenge established ideas. This kind of introspection requires analytical skills and engagement with the subject matter.

Key Elements of an Effective Extended Essay Conclusion

Before we discuss how to write extended essay conclusion, let’s look at a few critical points. Remember, a great conclusion is more than rehashing your thesis. It’s about leaving your reader with something to think about. According to general IB criteria, your conclusion should reflect what you found and why it matters. So, we need to include several elements in it.

Summary of Main Points

Begin by briefly summarizing the key points of your essay. But here’s the trick: do it freshly and insightfully. As I know from experience, your reader should nod along, thinking, “Ah, that makes sense!”

Restating the Thesis

Restating the thesis in your conclusion is like reaffirming a promise. You’re reminding the reader of the core of your research. However, put it in the context of your evidence and analysis. A little twist here makes it more engaging.

Implications of the Research

Now, this part is exciting. Discuss the broader implications of your findings. What do they mean for the field you’re studying? As someone who’s been through this process, I find that connecting your work to a bigger picture adds depth to your conclusion.

Personal Reflection and Insights

Remember to add a personal touch. Reflect on your path, the challenges, and the eureka moments. It adds a unique flavor to your conclusion, making it more relatable and memorable.

Writing the Perfect Opening for Your EE Conclusion

Writing the perfect opening for your extended essay conclusion is a crucial step in cementing the impact of your entire piece. As someone who has written and guided many through this process, I can attest to the importance of this final flourish.

To ensure your conclusion starts on a high note, consider these strategies:

  • Reflective Hook. Begin with a statement reflecting on your essay’s path. For instance, “As this research of [your topic] draws close, the profound insights and revelations encountered along the way bring us to a moment of understanding.”
  • Quotations. A well-chosen quote can provide a powerful start. It could be from a primary source you discussed or a relevant figure in your field of study. The quote should encapsulate the essence of your argument or the broader implications of your findings.
  • Rhetorical Question. Pose a thought-provoking question related to your thesis. This approach re-engages the reader’s curiosity and encourages them to ponder the significance of your findings. For example, “What does the future hold for [your topic], and how does our understanding of it shift the paradigm?”
  • Connecting to the Introduction. Refer back to the hook or a key point you made in your introduction. It creates a full-circle moment for your readers, enhancing the cohesiveness of your essay.
  • Bold Statement. Begin with a bold, impactful statement highlighting your essay’s primary conclusion or revelation. It grabs attention and sets the stage for your final arguments.

Remember, the opening of your conclusion is your final opportunity to engage your readers and prepare them for the closure of your argument. It should resonate with the themes and insights you’ve developed throughout your essay, providing a segue to your concluding remarks.

Seamlessly Connecting Your Essay Body to the Conclusion

The goal is to create a natural progression where each part of your essay contributes to a unified whole. To master this transition, consider the following strategies:

  • Summarizing Key Points. Start by summarizing your essay’s main arguments or findings. It helps to remind the reader of the road they’ve been on and sets the stage for your concluding remarks.
  • Reflective Statements. Use reflective statements to transition into your conclusion. Phrases like “Having researched the various facets of [your topic]” or “As we have seen through this investigation” help in bridging the gap between analysis and conclusion.
  • Linking Back to the Thesis. Reconnect with your thesis statement. This can be achieved by demonstrating how the evidence and arguments support your initial hypothesis or research question.
  • Foreshadowing the Conclusion. Use foreshadowing phrases to hint at what’s to come. For example, “This leads us to the inevitable conclusion that…” or “In light of these points, we are drawn to a compelling final observation.”
  • Transition Words and Phrases. Employ transition words and phrases like “therefore,” “thus,” “consequently,” and “as a result” to guide the reader smoothly from the body to the conclusion.

Incorporating these techniques ensures that your transition isn’t abrupt but a smooth passage, leading the reader to your final insights. This section serves as a bridge and starts to wrap up your narrative.

Personalizing Your Extended Essay Conclusion

I’ve seen firsthand how adding a personal touch can transform a standard conclusion into something memorable and impactful. It’s your opportunity to summarize research findings and reflect on the path and its significance to you as an individual.

To effectively personalize your conclusion, consider these approaches:

  • Personal Growth. Reflect on how the research process contributed to your personal growth. Did it challenge your preconceptions? Did it enhance your problem-solving or critical-thinking skills?
  • Connection to Future Goals. Discuss how the findings or the EE writing process have influenced your future academic or career aspirations. Has this essay helped clarify your interests or opened up new areas of curiosity?
  • Challenges Overcome. Be bold in mentioning the challenges you faced during your research and how you overcame them. It can be inspiring and relatable for readers, showcasing your resilience and dedication.
  • Eureka Moments. Share any “eureka” moments you experienced during your research. These insights can often be the most exciting part of your project and add a lively, engaging element to your conclusion.
  • Personal Relevance. If your topic has personal significance, explain why you chose it and what it means to you. It can create a more profound connection with your reader.

Including these elements in your conclusion does more than just fulfill the requirements of the Extended Essay. It brings your paper to life, giving it a unique voice that resonates with the reader. It shows that there’s a passionate student behind the academic rigor and the structured analysis.

EE Conclusion Tips: Practical Advice for Students

As an experienced IB writer, I understand that the conclusion is where you tie everything together and leave a lasting impression. Here are some practical EE conclusion tips that I’ve found invaluable.

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1. Be Concise but Comprehensive

Your conclusion should be brief, avoiding unnecessary details. However, it should also encapsulate the essence of your arguments and findings. Aim to strike a balance between brevity and substance.

2. Stay True to Your Voice

Throughout your essay, you’ve developed a unique voice. Keep this in the conclusion. Your personal touch is what makes your essay stand out. Reflect on your personality and perspectives as they relate to the topic.

3. Make Your Final Argument Count

Think of your conclusion as your last chance to convince your reader. Reinforce your thesis and the strongest points of your argument. It is your moment to underscore the importance of your research and findings.

4. Synthesize, Don’t Summarize

Avoid simply summarizing the main points of your essay. Instead, synthesize the information to show how your arguments come together to support your thesis. Also, leave your reader with something to ponder. It could be a provocative question, a quote, or a call to action related to your topic.

The Bottom Line

As we conclude, remember that your EE conclusion is your final chance to impress and express. Reflect on your path, affirm your findings, and leave your reader thinking, “This student has done something remarkable.”

Writing an effective extended essay conclusion is about striking the right balance between summarizing your work, adding personal insights, and highlighting the significance of your research. I hope these tips and insights from my experience help you write a conclusion that meets and exceeds expectations. Good luck, and remember that Extended Essay Writers are always ready to help! 😉

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