Extended essay Sailing to Success: How to Meet the IB EE Grading Criteria?

Table of Contents

Are you tired of writing essays that no one reads, let alone cares about? Fear not, dear reader, for I bring you tidings of great joy – the IB extended essay, and in this same article, we will focus on IB EE rubric and assessment criteria! 

Yes, it’s longer, more complex, and arguably more torturous than any other essay you’ve ever written, but fear not, for it’s also the one that will earn you that precious IB diploma.

The IB extended essay is a mandatory research paper that all IB diploma candidates must complete in order to graduate. It’s a chance for you to dive deep into a topic that you’re passionate about, and to demonstrate your ability to conduct independent research and analysis.

Importance of understanding the grading criteria

But here’s the catch – the extended essay isn’t just any old research paper. It’s graded according to a strict set of criteria provided by IBO, and these criteria can make or break your chances of getting a good grade. 

In other words, you can’t just phone it in and hope for the best. If you want to succeed, you need to select appropriate IB EE subject and understand the grading criteria like the back of your hand. But fear not; I’m here to guide you through this treacherous journey.

IB Extended Essay Rubric: Decoding the Mysteries of Grading

In this part, I’ll share an overview of the grading system, also known as the IB extended essay rubric. Let’s begin.

Ah, the dreaded rubric – the document that strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest IB students. But fear not, for understanding the rubric is the key to success in the extended essay. 

It’s like having a treasure map, except the treasure is a good grade and the map is… well, it’s still a map, but you get the idea.

How is the Extended Essay Scored?

The IB extended essay is scored on a scale of 0-34 points, with a maximum of 12 points awarded for fulfilling the general requirements of the extended essay, and up to 22 points awarded for meeting the assessment criteria.

Here’s a table that outlines the grading scale for the IB extended essay:

GradeScore Range
IB Extended Essay Grading Boundaries

This table provides a quick overview of the score range for each grade, from “excellent” to “elementary.”

If you want to improve the quality of your assignment, you can always ask for professional extended essay writing assistance.

It’s important to note that the grades are determined by the total score earned in the extended essay, which is based on the general requirements and the assessment criteria.

By understanding the grading scale, students can work towards achieving their desired grade and meeting the expectations of the IB organization, starting from the very beginning.

Meanwhile, we asume that you already know what is the word count for IB extended essay? Don’t you?

What is the maximum grade for IB extended essay?

The IB extended essay grading criteria consists of five criteria, each worth various points to achieve the maximum of 34 points. They are:

  • A: Focus and Method (6 marks)
  • B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 marks)
  • C: Critical Thinking (12 marks)
  • D: Presentation (4 marks)
  • E: Engagement (6 marks)

To achieve success, it’s crucial to understand and meet each criterion.

The total score can range from 0-36 points, with 34 points being the maximum possible score, as two points are deducted for not meeting the general requirements. Essays that earn 0 points are automatically failed, while essays that earn 28 points or more are considered “excellent” and earn an A grade.

extended essay grading

Who Grades the Extended Essay?

So, who grades it? Well, it’s a two-step process:

The school’s supervisor

This person is typically a teacher within the school who guides the student through the process of the EE. They help formulate the research question, provide resources, and offer feedback on drafts of the essay. The supervisor grades the essay based on the guidelines set forth by the IB.

The IB examiner

After the school’s supervisor grades the essay, it is sent to the International Baccalaureate Organization. Here, an external examiner, who is an expert in the subject of the essay, also grades it. They are unaware of the supervisor’s grade in order to maintain impartiality.

The final grade for the Extended Essay is the combination of the supervisor’s and the external examiner’s grades. The grading process is quite rigorous, ensuring that the student’s work is evaluated thoroughly and fairly.

Overall, the extended essay is scored based on the student’s ability to meet the assessment criteria, as well as their overall approach to the research and writing process. By understanding the grading system and meeting the requirements of each criterion, students can maximize their chances of achieving a top grade.

Charting the Course to a Top Grade

In this section, we’ll dive deeper into each criterion and provide you with tips and tricks to help you achieve a top grade. We’ll show you how to avoid common pitfalls and how to make your essay stand out from the crowd. 

So, grab your compass and your map, and let’s chart a course to success!

Let me begin with a shorter and more understandable version of the main IB extended essay assessment criteria that you will find in the table below.

Focus and MethodChoose a clear and focused research question. Plan your approach carefully.
Knowledge and UnderstandingUse relevant and reliable sources. Evaluate your sources critically.
Critical ThinkingAnalyze and evaluate your sources. Use them to support your argument.
PresentationUse headings and subheadings to guide the reader. Use concise and precise language.
EngagementChoose a topic that excites you. Let your enthusiasm shine through in your writing.
IB Extended Essay Criteria Tips

Now, I will focus on each point of the extended essay rubric in detail.

Criteria A: Focus and Method ✅

This criterion is all about your research question and your approach to answering it. It’s like setting sail on a ship – if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there. 

So, choose your research question wisely and plan your approach carefully, or you’ll be lost at sea.

Criteria B: Knowledge and Understanding ✅

This criterion is all about your ability to gather and use relevant information. It’s like navigating the high seas of research – if you don’t have the right map, you’ll end up lost in a sea of irrelevant information. 

Hence, choose your sources carefully and use them wisely, or you’ll be drowning in a sea of confusion.

Criteria C: Critical Thinking ✅

This criterion is all about your ability to analyze and evaluate your sources. It’s like navigating through treacherous waters – if you don’t know how to read the signs, you’ll crash your ship on the rocks. 

Be critical of your sources and evaluate them carefully, or you’ll be shipwrecked.

Criteria D: Presentation ✅

This criterion is all about the presentation of your essay. It’s like arriving at your destination – if you don’t look presentable, people won’t take you seriously. 

Criterion E: Engagement ✅

This criterion is all about your level of engagement with the topic and your essay. It’s like riding the waves of enthusiasm – if you’re not passionate about your topic, your essay will lack depth and conviction. So, choose a topic that excites you, and let your enthusiasm shine through in your writing.

You will need to polish your essay until it shines, or you’ll be like a sailor with a torn shirt and a dirty face. Nobody likes such sailors, believe me 😉

Tips for Meeting the IB EE Grading Boundaries

I know that many of you have been waiting for this part. Here, I’m sharing the best advice to follow if you want to meet the IB extended essay rubric and write wonderful IB EE that will lead to achieving the highest grades.

Importance of a clear research question 👍

Your research question is the foundation of your essay, so it’s essential to choose one that is clear, concise and focused. A good research question will guide your research and help you stay on track. 

It’s like finding true north – once you know where you’re going, you can chart a course to get there.

Use of relevant sources and evidence 👍

It’s important to use sources and evidence that are relevant and reliable. Use academic sources such as peer-reviewed journals, books, and reputable websites. 

Make sure to evaluate your sources critically and use them to support your argument. It’s like navigating with a reliable map – you’ll get where you need to go much faster and with fewer wrong turns.

Critical analysis and evaluation of sources 👍

Refrain from regurgitating information from your sources. It’s essential to analyze and evaluate them critically, you can start right from your extended essay proposal use them to support your argument. 

Ask yourself questions like: Who wrote this? What are their credentials? Is this information biased or objective? It’s like charting a course around obstacles – you’ll need to navigate carefully to avoid pitfalls and dead ends.

Importance of good organization and structure 👍

A well-organized essay with a clear structure is easier to read and understand. Use headings and subheadings to guide the reader through your essay, and make sure each paragraph flows logically and smoothly into the next. 

It’s like steering a steady course – you’ll avoid choppy waters and keep your readers engaged.

Clear and effective communication of ideas 👍

Finally, make sure to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively. Use concise and precise language, and avoid jargon and unnecessary complexity. 

Remember, your essay should be accessible to a general audience, not just experts in your field.

It’s like docking at your destination with style – you want to make a good impression and satisfy your readers, aka tutors.

Setting Sail for Success

In conclusion, understanding the grading criteria is essential to success in the IB extended essay. By following the rubric and focusing on the four criteria, you can chart a course to a top grade.

Remember, the extended essay is an opportunity to explore a topic that you’re passionate about and to demonstrate your research and analysis skills. Embrace the challenge, and let the wind in your sails carry you to success.

If you’re out of the wind for your sails, feeling overwhelmed and need assistance writing your IB extended essay, resources are available to help you succeed. 

Need help with your IB extended essay?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for any specified EE subject.

Contact your teacher, librarian, or other academic professionals such as Extended Essay Writers for guidance and support. 

Wishing you success in navigating the challenges of the extended essay.

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